Wednesday, February 1, 2012

 So, I haven't been to the gym in two days, but I have made my first wreath! Although my spring bulbs have been peaking out of the ground for weeks, it has still felt like winter to me. (Oh is!) Thanks to my new, springy wreath, the Bisha's are ready. My husband is very thankful ;-) (Wreath making process starts at the end (or is it the beginning?) of the post.)

Finally, the flowers get little "medallions" glued to the middle of them, which were also cut out on the Cricut machine. I looped some ribbon around a pre-made wreath from a craft store and, you guessed it, used my hot glue gun to secure the flowers to the wreath.
After the strips are punched and folded, they get glued together. My glue of choice is my faithful hot glue gun. Hot glue is an almost instant and guaranteed hold. 

The "flowers" start out as pieces of paper, then get cut into strips on my Cricut machine. The strips get punched out and painstakingly folded. 

 Just for fun, I thought I would show you what a fresh, homemade container of Greek yogurt looks like. Add local honey and organic frozen raspberries and you have a breakfast so delicious it almost feels sinful!

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